
Friday, November 30, 2012

Post 100 Surprise Surprise!

Okay so I had planned on doing something really nice and special for my 100th post and I couldn't think of anything but then yesterday the craziest thing happened and so that is what I'll write about. I was sick for days. Since theday before Thanksgiving I've just been feeling weird and nauseous and blah. just an over all mess. Well I finally decided to go the the ER after getting all the way to work and thinking that I was fine for two days and throwing upo when i get there. I went to the Er because i don't have a doctor. I don't have healthcare or any real money actually. well to make a long story short because I really didn't believe anything that was happening to me anyway, they told me I was pregnant.
       I have no idea what what going through my head accept for "all of the above".
Everything was working at one time and I didn't know what to do with it. Nothing was sinking in until the next nurse came in and told me i was pregnant. I still didn't really believe them but whatever, my mom was in the room so i wasn't gonna have my own thoughts anyway. Not that she was saying anything but I was being very cautious. I know my mother and I know that she wanted to know what i was going to do but i wanted to know what she was going to allow me to do. because if she wasn't supportive then i didn't really have a great selection left as far are options go. I don't know how far along i am thats just some extra shit that someone has to tell me anyway.

Honestly I'm waiting for someone to jump out and yell "Gotcha" but i guess thats ot going to happen right now either now is it.
I had all these thoughts in my head and everything was racing around and when I didn't want to think about it anymore it just all went away. like the baby did it or something because if you know me you know that that is the hardest shit for me to do. to just turn it off like that. Nope especially, and i know everyone can relate, when its time for bed and thats when every thught you've ever had ever decides that now is the time to rent space in your mind. And last night i seemed to stay up thinking but not about every single thing in the world. Just about how happy I am to know that I am carrying something so precious.

    Lots of things need to change. some of my regular habits for one, my room and other enviroments for two as well as some of the people in my life. I can't have baby being around certain shit. Things that i've had problems with but never said anything because it wasn't directly affecting me, or i just didn't find a need to do so, now i'm doing so. well not at this very second of course. Baby isn't here yet but I can start making aplan right?
I feel like i'm doing things right now that i don't have to be doing so early but i also know that if i don't do things while they are on my mind i will never get them done.Like eat....well maybe not eat. Baby will certainly let me know that i haven't eaten anything in 30 minutes. lol

        Well I guess at this point i don't need to keep writing because i have the next 8-9 months to ramble on to no one. Well I'm hoping so. (i have that fear that I can lose it. i mean the first trimester is when this can just happen. lotsof women lose there baby early on without ever knowing she was ever pregnant in the first place. so yea..... :( Well Winter out i guess. till probably tomorrow)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Bento, Obento

Okay so today I made a bento box. I decided to make it before all my stuff came in the mail because i wanted to show you that you could make one out of simple stuf. You don't always have to deco-ben. Its about making good food outof quick things around that house and left overs.

you will need
Your Bento

Cupcake Thingys or dividers

Biscuit sticks to hold you over lol

and a fridge with some stuff in it

the first thing i did was add some left over rice from when i made beef fried rice for dinner a few days ago
See?! I put this in my top layer. its the biggest one

then i added a divider

This is chicken and potatoes my mom made for dinner last night, but since i was at work i didn't get any. but there were left overs. So.....
I chopped up the chicken

and made the potatoes into a quick potatoe salad. all i did was add mayo and mozzarella cheese to the top
I decided to add one of the rice cakes i had from the asian market since i was barely eating them 

this is a popular asian treat. its pop corn, but its rather fluffy. Kind of like puffin corns, if you know what that is. YUM >_< more more more

see. i put it next to my rice cake

last but not least i made a deviled egg to fill the space between the rice and the chicken.

I wish i took a picture of the outside of the egg. It was a pretty girlypale green. But the inside of the egg was just egg. lol.

I go into work too late to get a break today so this is going to be my dinner in about 5 hours. Hopefully everyone has funny bento making. When my stuff comes in the mail I'll be sure to do a haul video of all my bento stuff. I should be getting a new bento and like 2 other things but still. 
Hope no one is too mad that my blog has no real direction. It more about how I'm feeling and what makes me happy and what I can't express in real life rather than any one thing. I will be doing a haul on my favortie beauty products soon too for anyone who is interested in that type of stuff

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Seriously....blown...or not

I hav seriously got to keep up with thisblog because its starting to get messy. the last post was in may. as of like july i have a new bf. No I'm not going to go into details because who knows how long this one will last?
I don't really want to go into negative things either because it'll just upset me, but just to some it all up I'll make a list of some of the not so  bad things that are making me feel emotions that aren't on the positive scale
i haven't talk to someone who was supposed to be my bff in like 3 monthi'm not mad anymore but I thought i'd throw that in there for "update purposes"
my boyfriends is a douch cunt fag 83% of the time
I need a new job
I don't have enough money to support my otaku/gyaru/harajuku/japanese obsession
and rent
living back at home with my mother(almost sure you knew that I moved out since that was before the accident)
my right ear

that list could go on and on trust me so let me tell you guys abiut some of the good stuff
I got my brother to eat sushi...with chopsticks and now he is hooked.( now i gotta convince a little anime in his life and I'm good)
i actually have a job
my ear stretching is going pretty well.
I got anew tattoo.
I have new plugs.
just bought a ton of it was on sale and i have 11 boxes
bought a rice cooker
and 10lbs of rice)i made onigiri)
I just ordered a new bento box and chopsticks and other stuffs
I know that i've been into Jpop and things but i discovered now k-pop and k-rap is my new thigns
Gdragon-nuff said
saving up to move out(thats not going to well though :( )
.....I had a really good list in my head but i can't think of anything else so i guess thats good enough

So I love that there is an Hmart in the area and I love that my friends(my truefriends anyway) love all the Asian-ish stuff that i do. And I love having people to cook for because my family refuses to eat my food for some reason so screw them (well somtimes my brother will)
I think I'm going to start giving friends asian names. I gave my bf a japanese name and he didnt want it. He doesn't realize that he very selfish
well....anyway i'm going to go now because its like 3 am where I am and I should've been sleep hours ago. if anyway has any ideas on how to turn my room into an asian-ish anime room then let me know. Not a room that looks like anime posters and flier on the wall but a room from a n anime. A normal one though. just a normal room but more asian less american and all that