Duh, right?
Everyone knows that they are two different days, but this time they were woo different days, an I mean toooooo different.
Well yesterday I was @ one of my bestest friends houses.
Her family is my family and I love every last one of them...
the day was fun and cool, I got to see some kitties :D
I really wanted to get one for my brother
thats what he wants, a kitten
but I have a dog so my mom said we both can't hav different pets
so he is getting fish
i guess he wants fish
I'm happy with diamond though(my dog)
any way, so yesterday was great I stay the night and then last night I came home...
only to wake up today with the sickest cramp ever
they were the craziest uber cramps ever....
but I went to work hella early...walked of course like always, and I got there just to be told that i had to leave
is it because of the nose ring, because i got a new on, so i can take it out when i get here,(the first one was corkscrew[i cudnt get it out])
nope, we made a mistake on the schedule u have to go home...
now you guys know how i am
I don't mind leaving work especially with cramps like godzilla, but i have a cell phone bill to pay that wont pay itself and i dont have a way to pay it because they didnt wanna pay me on time...
so I was like...nope, that was ur mistake not mine...I didnt walk up here for no reason
so they let me work
but of course i had to take the nose stud out
i want u guys to know that it is clear...!
i work for a bit and my boss starts to act like its my fault that her day is going wrong
they probably over staffed and didnt need everyone, but wanted to send me home because i dont know how to do everything....
well that is a PP(personal Problem)
i still need to learn how to do everything
every chance that I get I am going to learn how to do my job better
maybe at the end of my 30 days I can get a raise or something
there is no way that i am going to let her walk all over me
she thinks that becase I'm new that she can treat me like crap
but this isnt my first job
and I have worked in the feild before
i'm not a high schooler with no experience
I am not going to sit back and let her talk to me like I'm a kid
she say oot oot
or no no
like I'm 2
but i did good as far as my team goes
they said i cud pick up the pace, i cant do that till i memorize everything so i'm good
and I got off early and now i'm in bed worried about these damn craps
BUt on a better note
ONe of my fav gurus on youtube is losing some weight and i decided that I'd do the same, i guess I'll pay more attention to wat i intake
my problem will be finding the time to exercise
I mean I have the time in the day but...
wen i get home from work my mother isnt home so i gotta get the house fixed b4 that
she needs to tell my brother to do it because wen i get off of work i'm tired
he is in 7th grade he can do
he is a pre-teen guy
guys a;ways have more energy
but n e way...then i start dinner, its about 5 or six wen my mom is home n dinner is done
then is like 7 n i cant go to a gym, no car, its dark my mom wont let me out unless i'm chilling with a friend n a ride home
lol(so sweet n protective, but that get annoying)
and there is no where to work out in my room
one day i'll put pix up
u will see what i mean, my house is pretty small
i mean i like it and if my mom wasnt always down my neck i'd be doing it but one day...
so I'm going to be posting my weigh buy the week
(I lied we dont hav a scale n e mor
I'll post my weight wen eva i know it)
so u'll know it wen i kno it.
so today and yesterday are too different day and nothing is ever wat it seems
Pix from everything

this is DIamond my dog <3
Isn;t she the cutest?
This is the kitten i wanted to give to my brother
(this is my friend David: Bjs Fiance)
there he is again
This right here is the lovely Bjifer
Yeah, I dont remember where we got that name but it stayed
I love them so much
Hope you guys have a happy healthy marriage
so that was my weekend and the start of my week with the damn job that I hate already
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