Yeah, I know I look silly, but I follow fafinettex3 on youtube and i don't have much make-up. I just started with the make-up a few months ago :(
But, don't you worry, I got a job that i start on thursday so I'll be getting better and more make-up. Anyway, i was saying that I follow her and since I only have like dollar store make up i can never do too much with it but as i was walking my dog yesterday my neighbor said how much she loved my make-up. She just married the guy across the street and they are supposed to be going on a date or something to introduce their friends to each other and she wants me to do her make-up. I feel bad though because i told her no. I'm not a pro and i dont want to go and mess up someones face. But it just made me feel so good. I think I might start some vids on youtube as well. I am totally copying i know, but i love fafinettex3 so much. I think everyone should go to her blog and look at all her cool looks. Also if you love her then you'll love juicystar07 and her sister AllThatGlitters21. They are amazing, and follow them on twitter.
By the by, its fafinettex3s' birthday. So everyone go and say happy birthday, i hope she has fun. I think she is class right now or something, maybe work. Well back to what i was saying, I do have a channel on youtube but my webcam is being stupid. I think something is wrong with the mic in the cam. What i am going to do though is get a new charger fo my camera and use that. When we moved into this house a year ago my mother threw away the cord thinking that it was something else. :(

So i will be posting up vids soon. I have 3 up already, just no sound so i look really ridiculous.
As you can see it is green, you will quickly see that green is my favorite color. I am with green like most girly girls are with pink. I'll be back soon to talk more about my boring life
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