Wednesday, December 30, 2009
cell phone and random
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
thats really sad...but i guess thats tough love son
anyway my friends and I had a trip down memory lane like shit
it was funny
we were talking about the girl that got in my face in middle school
it was one day and I asked my friend to walk my dog when i got home from school so i can wash clothes and stuff
the thing is my dogs name is diamond and so was the girls
sadly the girl thought i was calling her a bitch
I dont even talk to the girl like that
I'm so upset that she thought i was even talking to her like really
i have no reason to not like you
i was so mad that day
the thing was stupid anyway
but today i'm supposed to be doing my hair and my friends hair
i dont feel like it
i really was supposed to be doing it yesterday but i dont feel like it
i so dont feel like it but i have to
we are goin out to a christmas party
and yeah, i dont want to be goin out lookinbg all crazy
so whats going to happen...? I'm going to do it because i cant let us go out looking like we need jesus
so i guess i better go and do that...
oh, and i got new knitting needles, they are great and bigger than the ones i had before, so i have different knitting styles
so i guess i'll blog later and that i have to go and do this
and hopefully my boyfriend will be at the party
that would be great like crap
i miss him like crazy. I havent seen him in like a week and i live on the other side of the state now -_- so i guess i better go
i keep saying that but i dont feel like doing anyones hair
like we eed perms and curls and all kinds of stuff, and i dont feel like it
Monday, December 21, 2009
It's been along time and i feel like i have to keep everyone up to date.
So I guess i have to tell you guys about my goals then
I have to have someone cheering my on, not that i dont have anyone, its just that my baby is so far away. I miss Fox so much.
Anyway, I guess everyone should know what my goals are.
- getting a job
- losing weight
- finding a place of my own
So now we have to set some goals for me now dont we...
so how about everyone mail me at
that is the mail you can use always and forever
that is my dogs e-mail by the by
yeah my dog has an email address, dont ask asnd I wont have to tell you anything stupid
my friends and I do stupid stuff, that is just one of the small things
moving on the weight loss, i'm only making myself loss and pound a week for right now, i know that is probably really lame, but i'm always in the house and my room is small, I mean i cant walk in my room, like my mom gave me all my stuff and it jjust fits in the guest room and my friends house that already had stuff in it... -_-
and so I've been trying to do pretty low key stuff, I do some sit ups on the bed, but doing push ups is hard because the bed is soft and my wrist shake, that hurts alot
so i really dont have much to do
and we got 2 1/2 feet of i'm not going out there right now
thats pretty lame but what can i do?
So I'm waiting to get some sun and melt it al away before i start my routine...
I dont know what else to do,
also i put in an application to a diffrent place thats around here everyday, I'm trying to see if a friends can help me
after that fails its everywhere else and then if that fails then its anywhere
anywhere that is within the nearest 50 miles.
how i'm getting there i have no idea, ur not going to be asking the right person
so, as far asfinding a place tof my own, i'm hoping to move in with my boyfriend
some people may think that its too fast, but i dont have too much of a choice, i dont have any friends that i can move in with, i dont really trust any of them to have jobs and ready to move out by then, and the ones that have jobs arent really looking to move out anytime soon. RIght now i want to move out with him anyway, it's not like anyone is going to tell me that I can't. Who is going to say something?
my parents?
oh, wait thats right, i dont love with any of them.
This seems to hapen to me alot, but i seem to get kicked out alot
i may be too much for my parents to handle, but on the inseide i'm a softee, I really am. I'm just a little rocker with it. I'm like Kat Von D mixed with Pink!!
But did i mention that i missed my boyfriend, because i do miss my boyfriend
I need him here with me, with out him here i just sit aroind and read and type and all that all day long. I love this laptop by the way, it feels great when i type. I love the way i can type so easily. Did i mention that I like this laptop because i do and i need a new one. I need a new laptop
this is just my friends laptop, but yeah... So Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was great!!! I want to get it for Christmas, but the sad thing is that I dont have anymoney and i dont have a job so if someone out there loves me then they will totally get that for me
the edition with the mauraders map in it
oh and i was pointing that at my boyfriend but i dont think he'll have the money for it
he has a big family and i love everylast on of them...every and last are two workd lol
anyway, so I wish that we could talk right about now. but neither of us have cell phones anymore
isnt that some crazy shit?, yeah thats what i said
So this Christmas, i was supposed to spend it with Fox, but now I live so far away. I dont know what we are going to do. He wants me to spend some time with him. Like he wants me to go to his house and stay the night christmas night till new years. that is okay, but the issue is getting back down here in time to pay my rent and find a job. I also need to be able to actually get down here. I dont know how I'm going to be able to get back home to the other side of town. I'm trying not to say where I am but the drive is like an hour and no one ever wants to drive down here or back.
But i think that tomoro when i go and see my friend that I'm goin to stay at a friends house down there and then i'm going to see if i can stay the night at another friends hosue, that gives me a place to be from tuesday to wednsday and then i have a place to go that day. SO thursday morning, i can call my aunt and then she can get me and i can spend christmas with her and my family. After that she can drop me off at my boyfriends house and we can spend the rest of the time together. I have no idea how i'm getting back home but i guess i can work that out better.
I hope he sees this and realizes that i sat here and made this whole thing out because i wanted to see him
He already knows how i feel about his house right now, I really dont want to make myself anymore stressed out than before. I know that i have been really stressed out lately and I feel like i have to be all special to his family because I'm the girlfriend. Maybe no one will notice how horrible i feel. I have no idea what i'm going to wear. oh, no i just realized that if all of this works out then i might actually be staying an that means that i should be getting dressed right about, not dressed but packed because i have no idea what time we are leaving tomorrow. well then, i guess i'm going to have to do something about that now wont I.
well i guess I will talked to you guys tomoro, unless I get even more bored and then i'll just get back on because facebook and youtube can only help me pass the time but so much
My Fox-lovely boyfriend
We have been together since early october, like the 1st really, but we go with the 9th because of some special events..but anyway...we are great together
and I dont think its because of the earth relationship buzz, i really do think that we work well together.
I've been with him almost everyday and now that i'm on the other side of town i'm going crazy.
i love him, I really do and i think that we are going to have so much fun
have u ever had a guy just do all the things that you wanted him to do with out saying a thing?
well i have the best guy(for me)
i think that there is no such thing as the perfect guy just the best guy for you
he gets me and we have similar goals
he wants to be a mechanic
I think that is so hot
have u ever imagined your sexii guy working on a car getting misty under that car hood?
like cool beans
plus i wanna be a motorcycle mechanic
so I think we should open out own shop
that would be so fun, the two of us working on stuff together, all day
that would be lovely.
Well i call him fox, he is so sexii
no one else can call him that
that is our own thing, tyler is his name
great name in my opinion
but i think he said he might change his name...dont tell anyone
our fisrt date was the most amazing thing ever
it was really weird at first because i was trying to get to him but people were making it hard, but i got up to the mall, we met up and then we went to the movies
and remember, always double tap; we saw Zombieland
I really do like that movie
and afterward, we talked for a really long time
we talked for almost and hour
we wandered around the mall, inside and out
it was amazing
I remembered when we first started dating that i could think of another adjective. Evrything he did or said was amazing. Just ask my best friend
amazing was all i ever said about him, and he still is today
he is one amazing man
I love him...
but anyway
he wont let me walk on the outside of the street and he opens doors all the tim
he does everything for me
when we're out he even pulled my chair out
it was crazy
so he started to take me out and things after that day
we would go to the this sushi place
I loved the place
i didnt even eat sushi that much
i was afraid to eat too much of it but he made me taste a Dragoir roll;I dont think I've heard anyone say anything about that one before but that place has them
they are the best things ever
he treats me like a queen
everytime i have something that i need to talk about he is there for me. He is there to comfort me whenever i need him
people make mistakes and sometimes we dont see eye to eye, but i dont think that this is an issue
everyone has arguments sometimes and people arent going to me mr&mrs perfect(or mr&mr, mrs&mrs) but then that would just be boring any damn way.
I miss him so much
I havent ever missed someone like this
I hope that i get to see him on Chirstmas. I have no idea what to do on christmas.
i want to see him, but i dont know how i'm supposed to get downt there and still get back up here.
he wants me to stay down there, so we can spent the new year together. if I do that I might as well stay there for my birthday but I have to get some bills paid and get a job, so I really need to be down here, or up here or watever
so hopefully i can get myself up there and then i can see my family and all my friends
I really wanna see him his family and all that
next blog: my news years resolution
first my laptop crashed and I hate being in the family room with my family
they hover over everything
once i figured out how to get around them and all of that my internet failed and then i stopped having the internet in my house all together.
Then i stayed at my boyfriends house. I was their since like the 19th of November(happy birthday bunnie and lexie)
He doesnt have the internet just in case u didnt get that.
Its so lame but thats the truth
Eventually I went home and had some issues with my mom and then I got kicked out or moved out or watever u wanna call it
so here I am finally on the 21st of December and i have the inter net
so i'm pretty sorry for being MIA like shit
this is some serious mess
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I know that i have been totally MIA for like forever, but dont blame me.
My computer totally went wack-o on me and the only thing I can do is wait for me friend to fix it for me.
I really want it to be safe and okay
so its with Dr. Battle
aka one of my coolest friends
so sorry that i have been so out of it but i just wanted to say hey
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Movies-may contain spoilers
Today, and yesterday, are two(too) different days

Friday, September 11, 2009
My Bad Day
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Nine nine nine nine nine
Monday, September 7, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Yeah, I know I look silly, but I follow fafinettex3 on youtube and i don't have much make-up. I just started with the make-up a few months ago :(
But, don't you worry, I got a job that i start on thursday so I'll be getting better and more make-up. Anyway, i was saying that I follow her and since I only have like dollar store make up i can never do too much with it but as i was walking my dog yesterday my neighbor said how much she loved my make-up. She just married the guy across the street and they are supposed to be going on a date or something to introduce their friends to each other and she wants me to do her make-up. I feel bad though because i told her no. I'm not a pro and i dont want to go and mess up someones face. But it just made me feel so good. I think I might start some vids on youtube as well. I am totally copying i know, but i love fafinettex3 so much. I think everyone should go to her blog and look at all her cool looks. Also if you love her then you'll love juicystar07 and her sister AllThatGlitters21. They are amazing, and follow them on twitter.
By the by, its fafinettex3s' birthday. So everyone go and say happy birthday, i hope she has fun. I think she is class right now or something, maybe work. Well back to what i was saying, I do have a channel on youtube but my webcam is being stupid. I think something is wrong with the mic in the cam. What i am going to do though is get a new charger fo my camera and use that. When we moved into this house a year ago my mother threw away the cord thinking that it was something else. :(

So i will be posting up vids soon. I have 3 up already, just no sound so i look really ridiculous.
As you can see it is green, you will quickly see that green is my favorite color. I am with green like most girly girls are with pink. I'll be back soon to talk more about my boring life